Warcraft: Orcs & Humans is a real time strategy game (RTS). The game plays in a medieval setting with fantasy elements. Both sides have melee units and ranged units, and also spellcasters.
Here are some of my map builded with the World Editor. Download one and unzip it into your Warcraft Maps folder to play. GL&HF (Good Luck and Have Fun).

Nom Description Image V.
Fûret escape Run run little furet. Go forward with your team to win ! Oh, yes, don't get cruch by the enemy team. TFT
Les quatres saisons A "Simple" melee map, with a special bonus... ROC
Courez Run ! Before the big hunter catch you ! ROC
Le Chateau Fort Keep your castle and destroy the other ! Fight with melee units in a 5vs5 huge battlefield. Destroy mines and enemy viewer to make them blind. But protect yours or you will fall ! TFT

 Nb: Those maps are in French