Blueprint good pratice
Use Sequence Caution, sequence are executed in the right order BUT if you use delay, it wont wait for the next sequence to begin
VR Game Programmer
Use Sequence Caution, sequence are executed in the right order BUT if you use delay, it wont wait for the next sequence to begin
Mars 2019Black : Oculus Quest Grey Leap Motion Made by Julien Loranswww.julienlorans.com
Mavic air extend radio range Change from CE radio signal to FFC stronger one : Enable fake gps and set to USA Start the drone, connect with the app and change region settings. Switch off, and never accept to change … Lire la suite
For Blueprint in the content, right clic on it, migrate.For source code, you can: Simple Way Copy past the directory inside [Source/YourOldProject], add YourOldProject to Source/YourNewProject.Target > ExtraModuleName.AddRange && to YourNewProject.uproject add « Modules »: [{ « Name »: « YourOldProject », « Type »: « Runtime », « LoadingPhase »: « Default »} … Lire la suite
Nowadays : Use Oculus Link Old Days:Download a special apk for Virtual Desktop : Use adb install or SideQuest application to install it over the Oculus QuestDownload & install the virutal desktop streamerFollow Virtual Desktop instruction. The official Virtual … Lire la suite
Full class for networking in Unreal a local copy, just in case : Tools for profiling :Netprofile on/off Using Replication over variable is clever : does not send data if same value is set (But trigger OnRep locally (on … Lire la suite
UENUM(BlueprintType) enum class EPressure : uint8 { Middle, Inflate, Deflate }; // in some class UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category= »Switch Variables ») float DesiredIntensity; UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) int GetSomething(float index) const; // const to make it pure more info : :
AB = B-A = B compose (Inverse A)For transform, first you do the second element, then the first
Use NVidia CodeWorks
Unity > Build IOS, genere un project XCode Aller sur un Mac ouvrir le projet avec XCode Generate Distribution certificat (.cer) Add mobile Provision profile Generate a package (.ipa)