Blueprint good pratice

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Use Sequence Caution, sequence are executed in the right order BUT if you use delay, it wont wait for the next sequence to begin


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Mavic air extend radio range Change from CE radio signal to FFC stronger one : Enable fake gps and set to USA Start the drone, connect with the app and change region settings. Switch off, and never accept to change … Lire la suite­­

Unreal migrate code

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For Blueprint in the content, right clic on it, migrate.For source code, you can: Simple Way Copy past the directory inside [Source/YourOldProject], add YourOldProject to Source/YourNewProject.Target > ExtraModuleName.AddRange && to YourNewProject.uproject add « Modules »: [{ « Name »: « YourOldProject », « Type »: « Runtime », « LoadingPhase »: « Default »} … Lire la suite­­

Play VR PC on Oculus Quest

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Nowadays : Use Oculus Link Old Days:Download a special apk for Virtual Desktop : Use adb install or SideQuest application to install it over the Oculus QuestDownload & install the virutal desktop streamerFollow Virtual Desktop instruction. The official Virtual … Lire la suite­­

Unreal Networking

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Full class for networking in Unreal a local copy, just in case : Tools for profiling :Netprofile on/off Using Replication over variable is clever : does not send data if same value is set (But trigger OnRep locally (on … Lire la suite­­

Unreal C++/Blueprint

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UENUM(BlueprintType) enum class EPressure : uint8 { Middle, Inflate, Deflate }; // in some class UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category= »Switch Variables ») float DesiredIntensity; UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) int GetSomething(float index) const; // const to make it pure more info : :

Build IOs Unity

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Unity > Build IOS, genere un project XCode Aller sur un Mac ouvrir le projet avec XCode Generate Distribution certificat (.cer) Add mobile Provision profile Generate a package (.ipa)