Rename Unreal Project

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Lazy Way

Executable from VR expension plugin

You still need to clean your project to package (git clean -xfd)

Hardcord Gamer Way

  • Clean your Project (git clean -xfd)
  • Change .uproject File Name
  • Edit .uproject and rename OldName to NewName
  • Change what is inside your Source folder using Notepad++ > ctrl + maj + f > Find & replace (Find in files tab)
    • Caution ! YOUROLDNAME_API will become YourNewName_API (without caps). You need to fix that with another find & replace
  • Change all file name inside Souce/YourOldName.Target.cs to Source/YourNewName.Target.cs
    • Add to Config/DefaultEngine.ini (you can remove it after compilation)
      [/Script/Engine.Engine]+ActiveGameNameRedirects=(OldGameName= »/Script/OldName », NewGameName= »/Script/NewName »)
      Example : +ActiveGameNameRedirects=(OldGameName= »/Script/Arrow », NewGameName= »/Script/DontFeedTheAnimals »)
      +ActiveGameNameRedirects=(OldGameName= »/Script/OculusPlatformSample.OSSLeaderboardWidget », NewGameName= »/Script/DontFeedTheAnimals.OSSLeaderboardWidget »)
      More here
  • Or you can keep your old name source, but you need to add it to your new .target
  • Generate visual studio file and compile your project

More information here Or Here

Take care to blueprint reference

Take care to source class with the same name as the project

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