IUT2 Grenoble, 2010
By Rémi Piotaix, Mohamad Marhaba, Samy Sassi, Robin Granchamp, Wilfrid Barbe, Farges Maelyss

Links : Report

Short Description:
Tchou Tchou is a java project done by a team of 6 Programmers that create a rail networks.

The main purpose of this software is to create rail networks
from stations, railway and commuting. The software scans inputs and is able to manage
spatio-temporal constraints (optimization) of the railway network, thereby generating a logic circuit
transport stream. The software offers to the user a simulation in real time of his network from a graphical view.

The software is composed by three differents modules:

  • An optimization module, composed of algorithms (shortest path,
    rail road placement, …). In a first time, it analyzes and control the user input and in a
    second time, it generates coherence circuit taking into account spatiotemporal constraints
    (schedule, speeds etc.).
  • HMI module allow the user to enter their data from cases : uses add / edit / delete.
  • And finally, a simulation module. In real time, it generates a graphical view that
    load a map from data previously entered by the user and computed
    by the system. The user can move around and see different parts of his network.

The report, in french, contain much more details about how this application has been built.
To manage data saving, we used Hibernate.
To open the source code, use NetBeans.