IUT2 Grenoble, 2010 by Mr. Farges Maelyss

Short Description:
Facilitate my direction and promote the success of my education and professional insertion plan.

The personal and professional project (PPP) is a module that facilitate my direction
and promote the success of my education and professional insertion plan.
I had been to some sessions and forums on IT hobs that helped me to find informations on my future profession that has always fascinated me.

Since my childhood, I been immersed in the computer univers. My father and my brothers,
programmer and project manager inspired me.
On the other hand, my preponderance for heroic-fantasy, my many hours spent as a game master in Dungeon&Dragon, to invent scenarios
to design worlds and try to predict the actions of my players, these Warcraft 3 map created with love,
it is a bit of everything that showed me computer’s games programing is the fild that I would love to work for. It is an exciting universe of creation and adventure!

This project helped me in achieving my first curriculum vitae and practice interviews, all where in English.
Through this, I also made a poster which summarizes the way to be a
programmer in video games industry.
Researchs I have done during the high school and this PPP conforted me in the choice I made : A 2 years degree in IT, followed by a video games specialized school.