using UnityEngine.Networking;
- Netwok.connect : previous Unity connexion system. doesn’t communicate with the new UNet system
- NetworkManager use NetworkServer & NetworkClient to handle connections for both client and server side
- NetworkLobbyManager : herite from NetworkManager. Add lobby scene where clients are registered
- NetworkDiscovery : handle broadcast signal. Use it to receive ip adress/port and make connexion using NetworkManager
Get all current connexion :
Server side
NetworkServer.RegisterHandler(MsgType.Connect, EventConnectionActionServer);
NEED To Test
Client Side
It ONLY knows the Server connexion :
NetworkClient.allClients[0].connection ; valid after connexion is made
This is NOT a list of all clients that are connected to the remote server, it is client instances on the local game.
You can make a client with multiple server (for example, one for chat/login, another for in game mechanism, …)
Get local Player prefab
Get Local Player Prefab : NetworkManager.singleton.spawnPrefabs[0] ? Que côté server !
NetworkBehaviour renvoi les infos de connexion/déconnexion côté client !
Send big files
really not made for it, takes ~10s to send ~1mb
ou TCP Socket avec .Net
made for it, but you have to manage threads and sockets. take less than 1s to send ~1mb
From client to server:
[Command] public void CmdTakePicture()
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