Mavic air extend radio range Change from CE radio signal to FFC stronger one : Enable fake gps and set to USA Start the drone, connect with the app and change region settings. Switch off, and never accept to change … Lire la suite
VR Game Programmer
Mavic air extend radio range Change from CE radio signal to FFC stronger one : Enable fake gps and set to USA Start the drone, connect with the app and change region settings. Switch off, and never accept to change … Lire la suite
For Blueprint in the content, right clic on it, migrate.For source code, you can: Simple Way Copy past the directory inside [Source/YourOldProject], add YourOldProject to Source/YourNewProject.Target > ExtraModuleName.AddRange && to YourNewProject.uproject add « Modules »: [{ « Name »: « YourOldProject », « Type »: « Runtime », « LoadingPhase »: « Default »} … Lire la suite
Nowadays : Use Oculus Link Old Days:Download a special apk for Virtual Desktop : https://github.com/guygodin/VirtualDesktop Use adb install or SideQuest application to install it over the Oculus QuestDownload & install the virutal desktop streamerFollow Virtual Desktop instruction. The official Virtual … Lire la suite
Full class for networking in Unrealhttp://cedric-neukirchen.net/Downloads/Compendium/UE4_Network_Compendium_by_Cedric_eXi_Neukirchen_BW.pdfAnd a local copy, just in case : https://fargesportfolio.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/UE4_Network_Compendium_by_Cedric_eXi_Neukirchen_BW.pdf Tools for profiling :Netprofile on/off Using Replication over variable is clever : does not send data if same value is set (But trigger OnRep locally (on … Lire la suite
UENUM(BlueprintType) enum class EPressure : uint8 { Middle, Inflate, Deflate }; // in some class UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category= »Switch Variables ») float DesiredIntensity; UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) int GetSomething(float index) const; // const to make it pure more info : https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Gameplay/ClassCreation/CodeAndBlueprints/index.htmlDelegate : https://unreal.gg-labs.com/wiki-archives/macros-and-data-types/delegates-in-ue4-raw-c++-and-bp-exposed
AB = B-A = B compose (Inverse A)For transform, first you do the second element, then the first
Use NVidia CodeWorks
Oculus has high requierement. Once done, Vive/Viveport while work straightforward.Oculus Build is not compatible with Vive/Viveport while Oculus must disable SteamVR plugin Unreal : To get your icon and application name wihtin the Task handler (instead of UE4Game.exe) you need … Lire la suite
This Thread is on Reddit Too Earn 30€ for you and me using this Referral link If you already own an Oculus Quest 2/3 but have not been referred, you still can earn the 30€! Do a factory reset of … Lire la suite
Use versionning Right Clic on your levels, migrate to another empty project Close Unreal Delete all your Content Copy Content from your other empty project Using Sourcretree/Git, remove all new assets All remaining deletion are your unused asset, modulo languages … Lire la suite