Unity Animation inside Animator

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To nest Animation inside an animator like this Open the Animator & animation files with any text editor Copy the Animation content at the beggining of the Animator file Save

Input Controllers Mapping

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GamePad Oculus Vive Windows Mixed Reality Event: MotionController FaceButton1 -> Trackpad click up Event: MotionController FaceButton2 -> Trackpad click right Event: MotionController FaceButton3 -> Trackpad click down Event: MotionController FaceButton4 -> Trackpad click left Event: MotionController Shoulder -> Home Button … Lire la suite­­

Binaural sound Spatialization

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In a few words, binaural is a technique based on head shapes to produce better sound spatialization. Specially useful to detect front/forward/up/down sound. Here is a short explain Integrate to Unreal Quick and easy, as long as you can find … Lire la suite­­

Unreal Mirror & Blur

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How to Mirror Apply a mat with Roughtness 0 and specular/metalic 1. Set base color to white. This define the object this material is apply to as reflecting. Then, Unreal will use efficiently multiple capture composant that you have to … Lire la suite­­

Unity Generic auto build

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[codesyntax lang= »csharp »] using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using System.IO; using UnityEditor; /// /// Put me inside an Editor folder /// /// Add a Build menu on the toolbar to automate multiple build for different platform /// /// Use #define BUILD in … Lire la suite­­

Unity Networking

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Connexion using UnityEngine.Networking; Netwok.connect : previous Unity connexion system. doesn’t communicate with the new UNet system NetworkManager use NetworkServer & NetworkClient to handle connections for both client and server side NetworkLobbyManager : herite from NetworkManager. Add lobby scene where clients are registered NetworkDiscovery … Lire la suite­­

Unity Texture, Texture2D, RenderTexture

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In Unity, I get struggle some times to figure out what’s the difference between Texture, Texture2D and RenderTexture. In simple words Texture represent the GPU (graphic card memory) side of a Texture RenderTexture, based on Texture, add the shader/material management … Lire la suite­­

Unreal 4 bad stuff

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This is a personal list of what I feel bad using Unreal. Disclaimer : I still enjoy using Unreal. The more you see, the more I use that engine Interface Rename folder create 2 folders instead Delete empty folder doesn’t … Lire la suite­­

Git Svn

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I love git, but most of my jobs use svn. Fortunatly, you can use a local git repository, and push to a distance svn repository. To clone from a repository on external drive git svn clone « file:///u/[01] – Projet/PathToYourProject » To … Lire la suite­­