Unity Animation inside Animator
To nest Animation inside an animator like this Open the Animator & animation files with any text editor Copy the Animation content at the beggining of the Animator file Save
VR Game Programmer
To nest Animation inside an animator like this Open the Animator & animation files with any text editor Copy the Animation content at the beggining of the Animator file Save
GamePad Oculus Vive Windows Mixed Reality Event: MotionController FaceButton1 -> Trackpad click up Event: MotionController FaceButton2 -> Trackpad click right Event: MotionController FaceButton3 -> Trackpad click down Event: MotionController FaceButton4 -> Trackpad click left Event: MotionController Shoulder -> Home Button … Lire la suite
In a few words, binaural is a technique based on head shapes to produce better sound spatialization. Specially useful to detect front/forward/up/down sound. Here is a short explain Integrate to Unreal Quick and easy, as long as you can find … Lire la suite
How to Mirror Apply a mat with Roughtness 0 and specular/metalic 1. Set base color to white. This define the object this material is apply to as reflecting. Then, Unreal will use efficiently multiple capture composant that you have to … Lire la suite
[codesyntax lang= »csharp »] using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using System.IO; using UnityEditor; /// /// Put me inside an Editor folder /// /// Add a Build menu on the toolbar to automate multiple build for different platform /// /// Use #define BUILD in … Lire la suite
Connexion using UnityEngine.Networking; Netwok.connect : previous Unity connexion system. doesn’t communicate with the new UNet system NetworkManager use NetworkServer & NetworkClient to handle connections for both client and server side NetworkLobbyManager : herite from NetworkManager. Add lobby scene where clients are registered NetworkDiscovery … Lire la suite
In Unity, I get struggle some times to figure out what’s the difference between Texture, Texture2D and RenderTexture. In simple words Texture represent the GPU (graphic card memory) side of a Texture RenderTexture, based on Texture, add the shader/material management … Lire la suite
This is a personal list of what I feel bad using Unreal. Disclaimer : I still enjoy using Unreal. The more you see, the more I use that engine Interface Rename folder create 2 folders instead Delete empty folder doesn’t … Lire la suite
I love git, but most of my jobs use svn. Fortunatly, you can use a local git repository, and push to a distance svn repository. To clone from a repository on external drive git svn clone « file:///u/[01] – Projet/PathToYourProject » To … Lire la suite
As part of EasyLocalization work in progress, here is what I found to execute coroutine while in editor : Also posted in that thread