Unreal Stereo Capture

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2 plugins Ansel plugin For Video capture, need special plugin : https://github.com/rdeioris/AnselCapture/releases More options, work pretty well for monoscopic capture, but have a really bad view for close objects (2-3m) in Stereoscopic Built in with Stereo Panoramic Movie Capture More tipsWork … Lire la suite­­

Unreal Localization

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Global Setup Project Settings > Packaging > > Localizations to Package Check what you need > Internationalization Support Change to what you need (EFIGS for example) Then, from blueprint use Set Current Culture (set to en, fr-FR, …) & Reopen … Lire la suite­­

Rename Unreal Project

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Lazy Way https://fargesportfolio.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/UE4ProjectRenamer.zip Executable from VR expension plugin You still need to clean your project to package (git clean -xfd) Hardcord Gamer Way Clean your Project (git clean -xfd) Change .uproject File Name Edit .uproject and rename OldName to NewName Change … Lire la suite­­

New Unreal project

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Create a Git repository and add a Gitignore file Check what your might need as plugins and tools to determine the right Engine version to use ProjectSettings > Collision. Clean Collision presets and keep only what you need to avoid … Lire la suite­­

Unreal Log

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// Like Blueprint Print UKismetSystemLibrary::PrintString(this, « Your message »); UKismetSystemLibrary::PrintString(this, FString(« Enable movement to « ) + FString(enable ? « true » : « false »)); // Just to log UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT(« Your message »)); // Just to screen GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 1.5, FColor::White,text) If you start a print by « Error: » … Lire la suite­­

Unreal editable config file for package

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[codesyntax lang= »cpp »] // Config tag can be added to any UCLASS UCLASS(BlueprintReadOnly, Config=MyConfigFile) class PROJECT_API MyNewClass : public AActor { GENERATED_BODY() public: MyNewClass (); // This will create/read the config file UPROPERTY(Config, BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere) FString MySavedVarToConfigFile = « DefaultValue »; //From anywhere … Lire la suite­­

GitIgnore Unreal&Unity

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My proper Gitignore for Unity  Temp/Obj/UnityGenerated/Library/[Bb]uild/[Bb]uilds/Assets/AssetStoreTools* # Visual Studio cache directory.vs/ # Autogenerated VS/MD/Consulo solution and project filesExportedObj/.consulo/*.csproj*.unityproj*.sln*.suo*.tmp*.user*.userprefs*.pidb*.booproj*.svd*.pdb*.opendb*.VC.db # Unity3D generated meta files*.pidb.meta*.pdb.meta # Unity3D Generated File On Crash Reportssysinfo.txt # Builds*.apk*.unitypackage Unreal DebugGame**Shipping***/Intermediate**/Saved/.vs**/Build**/Builds*.sln*.pdb**.dbConfig/SteamVRBindingsConfig/Steamvr_ue_editor_app.json #build ignore##Windows*.exe*.expBinaries/**/*.lib*.target ##AndroidBinaries/Android/**   Tools Remove … Lire la suite­­


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Recently, our SVN repository break with a Malformed representation header error. To fix it, we use dump method to save our repository without the broken commit, then reconstruct a new repository and file it using load command. $ svnadmin dump -r 1:1000 … Lire la suite­­