C++ delegate

Classé dans : C++ | 0

https://blog.actorsfit.com/a?ID=00850-ca43f315-3160-4fca-b10b-5861f8ea566a 3.2 Implementation using lambda expressions Using lambda expressions can simplify this process. Refer to the following piece of code, classB registers a member function as a callback function to classA, and classA saves this callback function (std::function object) to … Lire la suite­­

Unity Code Showcase

Classé dans : Non classé, Realisations, Unity | 0

ParticlesSystem_ShowPlayerData Use Particles system & delegate system to efficiently shows player’s data in a fill up bar with thousounds of particles, because why not ! PoolManagerNetwork Both Combined to handle death & respawn of objects that dies/respawn a lot. Online_Destructible … Lire la suite­­

Unreal Console & Argument

Classé dans : C++, Unreal | 0

To use Console commande line : UFUNCTION(Exec)void EnableMovement(bool enable); To Read Executable argument : if (FParse::Param(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT(« EnableMovement »)))

Build IOs Unity

Classé dans : Unity | 0

Unity > Build IOS, genere un project XCode Aller sur un Mac ouvrir le projet avec XCode Generate Distribution certificat (.cer) Add mobile Provision profile Generate a package (.ipa)

Unreal GPU/CPU Profiling

Classé dans : C++, Unreal | 0

First of, Project Settings > General Settings > Disable smooth framerate Open project and disable/destoy object one by one and write down new performance Use Wireframe mode to know if vertex count is an isue. GPU Render doc / intel gpa > … Lire la suite­­

Unreal Localization

Classé dans : Non classé, Unreal | 0

Global Setup Project Settings > Packaging > > Localizations to Package Check what you need > Internationalization Support Change to what you need (EFIGS for example) Then, from blueprint use Set Current Culture (set to en, fr-FR, …) & Reopen … Lire la suite­­

GitIgnore Unreal&Unity

Classé dans : Non classé, Unity, Unreal | 1

My proper Gitignore for Unity  Temp/Obj/UnityGenerated/Library/[Bb]uild/[Bb]uilds/Assets/AssetStoreTools* # Visual Studio cache directory.vs/ # Autogenerated VS/MD/Consulo solution and project filesExportedObj/.consulo/*.csproj*.unityproj*.sln*.suo*.tmp*.user*.userprefs*.pidb*.booproj*.svd*.pdb*.opendb*.VC.db # Unity3D generated meta files*.pidb.meta*.pdb.meta # Unity3D Generated File On Crash Reportssysinfo.txt # Builds*.apk*.unitypackage Unreal DebugGame**Shipping***/Intermediate**/Saved/.vs**/Build**/Builds*.sln*.pdb**.dbConfig/SteamVRBindingsConfig/Steamvr_ue_editor_app.json #build ignore##Windows*.exe*.expBinaries/**/*.lib*.target ##AndroidBinaries/Android/**   Tools Remove … Lire la suite­­

Unity Generic auto build

Classé dans : Non classé, Unity | 0

[codesyntax lang= »csharp »] using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using System.IO; using UnityEditor; /// /// Put me inside an Editor folder /// /// Add a Build menu on the toolbar to automate multiple build for different platform /// /// Use #define BUILD in … Lire la suite­­