Build IOs Unity
Unity > Build IOS, genere un project XCode Aller sur un Mac ouvrir le projet avec XCode Generate Distribution certificat (.cer) Add mobile Provision profile Generate a package (.ipa)
VR Game Programmer
Unity > Build IOS, genere un project XCode Aller sur un Mac ouvrir le projet avec XCode Generate Distribution certificat (.cer) Add mobile Provision profile Generate a package (.ipa)
First of, Project Settings > General Settings > Disable smooth framerate Open project and disable/destoy object one by one and write down new performance Use Wireframe mode to know if vertex count is an isue. GPU Render doc / intel gpa > … Lire la suite
Oculus has high requierement. Once done, Vive/Viveport while work straightforward.Oculus Build is not compatible with Vive/Viveport while Oculus must disable SteamVR plugin Unreal : To get your icon and application name wihtin the Task handler (instead of UE4Game.exe) you need … Lire la suite
This Thread is on Reddit Too Earn 30€ for you and me using this Referral link If you already own an Oculus Quest 2/3 but have not been referred, you still can earn the 30€! Do a factory reset of … Lire la suite
Use versionning Right Clic on your levels, migrate to another empty project Close Unreal Delete all your Content Copy Content from your other empty project Using Sourcretree/Git, remove all new assets All remaining deletion are your unused asset, modulo languages … Lire la suite
2 plugins Ansel plugin For Video capture, need special plugin : More options, work pretty well for monoscopic capture, but have a really bad view for close objects (2-3m) in Stereoscopic Built in with Stereo Panoramic Movie Capture More tipsWork … Lire la suite
Global Setup Project Settings > Packaging > > Localizations to Package Check what you need > Internationalization Support Change to what you need (EFIGS for example) Then, from blueprint use Set Current Culture (set to en, fr-FR, …) & Reopen … Lire la suite
Lazy Way Executable from VR expension plugin You still need to clean your project to package (git clean -xfd) Hardcord Gamer Way Clean your Project (git clean -xfd) Change .uproject File Name Edit .uproject and rename OldName to NewName Change … Lire la suite
Create a Git repository and add a Gitignore file Check what your might need as plugins and tools to determine the right Engine version to use ProjectSettings > Collision. Clean Collision presets and keep only what you need to avoid … Lire la suite